But what is reason? It is something like a pearl; the symptom of a protracted irritation. When a people becomes philosophical there is always an institution of torture to be found. In the occidental world the basic implement of this torture, the very chamber or territorium of cruelty, has been called the soul. Like a black, damp, and freezing cell it has always been a torment in itself. Europe has been chained in the soul, dangling with bleeding wrists, until it lusted for destruction with a foul and parched thirst". (Nick Land, "The thirst for annihilation" 1992). Modernity's atheistic momentum - a lurching digestive apparatus - "its eating everything in its path!" - enyzmatically deconstructing hard-weird neuro-bio-pulp, hacking away at hypostasized DNA strands, cooking nucleotide soup: G's, T's, A's, C's mixing up all over the place, recombining and reorganizing, splicing together ends of chopped up bits of sequence, re-coding as best it can to optimize its "for-itself" effectivity. A lot of sequence is decoded 'to bits', and a lot of lengths of sequences still resist the enzymatic campaign, some still coding for prominent organs and expansive structures, indigestible lumps causing dyspeptic misfirings, slowing-downs and sometimes blockages in the guts' animal trajectory. Reason is one such dyspeptic clot. Ever since it was over-coded as 'transcendent', by the Kantian "S.O.S" - panic-program to save God/Head from viral attack and hypertrophic restriction of the arteries it has rattled around in the gut which retches at the irritating clot, trying to vomit it out in recurrent waves of sublime nausea. The super-hermetic shrink-wrapped "universal subject" is the refuge of uber-reason, an ossified structure, fortified against digestive attack; made allergic to difference and alterity by the Kant-God program. Kant encodes for fear of nothingness and immanence. With Kant zero is coded as a tautologous flat-line of intensity, a literal and inert 'nothing', instead of zero as a hole to pass through into entropic immanent base matter and emergent negentropic constructions. Zero 'is not' nothing, zero bites. Zero as cancellation, entropy, or death is a pulsional current, wrecking constructions, and driving blind heterogeneous creative becoming (negentropy). Reason is hardened against alterity, against the unilateral flow to which all constructions eventually succumb as continuous matter. No structure is immune to entropic dissolution. The perdurant skeleton of the transcendent subject fizzes away; and getting indigestion, the gut gets agitated into a "heart-burn" acid assault on the blockage. The steady enzymatic poly-decoding assault continues, still hacking away at sequences, decoding and recoding, running through recombinant sequences of anti-code, unlocking base-pairs, splitting sequences into shorter refrains for orchestration into autopoietic structures whose effectivity emerges from their conditions, not via humanizing prescription. Emergent constructions 'become', sometimes ctystallizing into being, at others receding into immanent miasma and fog. The stomach lurches on, washing the neuro-bio-pulp off the bones; sense is digested, haemorraging a mass of deviant and inhuman anti-narratives. Animality retches out multiple clots on the filth which refuses metabolization as it convulses in recurrent waves of creative becoming. Still, the dyspeptic code manages to reproduce itself, overcoding its redundancy onto becoming, recrystallizing the delay and deferring a consummate acephalic spasm.